Monday 29 October 2012

Melonpan and MrBalleng

Well, the page views lately have been pretty discouraging. It's no one's fault and it's not like I started this whole thing for page views. (<- this is me kicking myself in the head) I started out pretty excited and posted everyday and now 3 times a week.

I'm having a hard time finding stuff to post about now seeing as I'm too busy getting distracted. For example, lately I've been looking to make Melon Pan and researched quite a lot about it and am still in the middle of trying to figure out how to turn Cooking with Dog's Melon Pan recipe from grams to cups.

And then I saw Cooking with Dog's recipe for chocolate cornets. I dropped my melonpan research and started looking for chocolate cornet recipes, comparing, and everything. After a day or so of that, I saw some wire in my desk drawer. It was pretty flexible so I thought I could make an armature and maybe a paper mache sculpture. I looked for my stack of old newspapers but it was gone. Someone threw them away.

I went to look for my missing paper clay again knowing how futile it is since I have looked at every place it could possibly be but since I wasn't actually sure it was thrown away I have this smidgen of hope that I just MIGHT have overlooked it. It was plenty expensive and I had barely used a fifth of it. I looked at all the places I had before and checked places I had overlooked but I still did not find it.

I was getting plenty frustrated already. I couldn't attempt to make french bread the day before because we had 2 new loaves of bread. I couldn't try to make melon pan because of the measurements and lack of butter. I couldn't make chocolate cornet because my little sister ate most of the chocolate already. I couldn't sculpt anymore because of lack of glue to make cold porcelain with and I couldn't even make a paper mache. And then I found some sand paper.

I had been wanting to make MrBalleng's Treble Clef Pendant ever since the instructable came out! I purposely bought too much wire from when I made my own frame for an ArtAp project. (I also bought too much canvas because I wanted to make a canvas bag and paint it. It was used as scratch and thrown away.) We were supposed to make a "3D" painting of some sort, but we were supposed to somehow put photographs and other stuff in it too. I already had an idea of how I wanted mine to be so I asked the professor if I could make my own frame. She said yes. I never finished it. I'll show you what I made on the next update.

The first one I made was way too big. The wire was too thick too! I spent most of the day thinning the second with sandpaper. It got really smooth and shiny but the tool marks ruined it. It's plenty crooked too since the wire is really difficult to work with (and cut! I had my brother cut it for me but I couldn't straighten it out afterwards.) I'm thinking of maybe heating it up, but I've probably already cooked part of my hand from holding it in place while sanding it.

So, uhm.. at the beginning of this post I was going to announce making this a once a week thing because I'm out of juice but before I knew it I've typed all of these up. I'm going to try harder to keep my schedule and fill this blogs with things I find interesting. Thanks for stopping by!

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