Wednesday 17 October 2012


It's been mostly images, huh? I think I'll take a break from this for a bit and make something else. (I'm not running away from making the details, okay?)

Here's something else:

That's how I'd like to paint someday. I'll reach that point and go beyond it.

I'd like to someday be like MALL (< 4 separate links (I'll probably do a post all about her in the near future. Mall is amazing, she's one of the Filipino artists who live off their art.)) but I also want to get into animation.

As a child, I used to think that Ghost Fighter, Flame of Recca, Detective Connan, Dragon Ball and others were made in our country. I felt so proud! Wonderful stories made by hand! Later on I found out the truth, I don't remember how, and I wondered why we didn't have things like that. One of the reasons I want to be an animator is because I want there to be an animation industry in our country! I want little kids everywhere to grow up watching what we made, for them to excitedly talk to their classmates about. It doesn't even have to have it's own channel like cartoon network or nickelodeon. Just showing on ABS CBN or GMA would be great! Although it should grow enough to have it's own channel someday x]

I'm still not sure about what course I want to take although I thought I was. I was so sure about going to Baguio, getting in UC and taking CS Digital Arts Track. But for months I've been drawing and drawing and I've realized that I didn't want to stop. I started thinking of Fine Arts then, I could learn everything I ever wanted about creating beautiful things but I wasn't so sure of my life afterwards. I remembered that I kept telling myself before that life's uncertain no matter what the course and no matter where life takes you, so might as well spend it doing what you love the most. That way, no matter how hard life is you'll be happy. But I still can't get myself to take my own advice. I've been sure a number of times and most of them have ended up being bad choices. Like most people, I only learn what I did wrong after I've already done it.

I wanted to take the course at UC because I was interested in both making games and animating. The course has both of them. Both games and animations have stories. Most of all, since UC is in Baguio, I wanted to study with my cousin again. We push each other's back and I feel that I just can't do without her(corny =p). I'm really re-thinking it though. I'll have to learn lots of computer languages after all and I struggle with just HTML and CSS. I've been trying to learn turbo C on my own and it hasn't been going well.

I'd have problems breaking the news of my indecisiveness to my parents but I know my dad reads this and he'd tell my mom somehow. She'd then want to talk about it and we all know I'm no good at that. I'm no good at talking to people face to face.

I'm still thinking about it all (and crying about it.. such a wimp!) I'm not sure if I should've talked about some of the things I just did but hey! What do I know about social protocol anyway? (I just know that someday I'll look back at all this and cringe at how stupid and childish I am. It's happened before.)

See you all tomorrow! I'm going to do the DA "Draw this again" meme on my first ever digital work! It's been three years!

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