Monday 22 October 2012

First Sculpture

This is the first sculpture that I have made in this lifetime (that I remember.) I made it for Art Appreciation when I had the subject. The head is made out of Paper clay. I bought a pack of it thinking I could use it for other things too; It ended up getting lost. That means I bought an entire package and used it only for this. Not even half of it were used. I have no idea how it go lost too! It was just on the shelf on the terrace.

That shelf on top of my table was just brought in my room when I took this picture so my desk is pretty messy. It's messy either way, but that is the reason why it's messy in that picture. I remember planning to take a lot of pictures of the process but I got so engrossed in it that by the time I remembered that I was supposed to be taking pictures, I had more or less finished the thing.

I remember having a hard time sleeping because of the creepy head and the smell of paint. I had to bring the sculpture out of my room and on to the terrace. It was that creepy.

I also had a hard time mounting that paper clay head on the newspaper body. I didn't know techniques then, I just went ahead and made it. I used two toothpicks and a LOT of glue to stick them together which was a mistake. The glue had a hard time drying. 

The teacher ended up telling me that it looks like a man made it. It felt like she was accusing me of paying other people to make my project for me which some students did. She probably wasn't but it still hurt a bit.

I never painted it. I thought it showed my original idea more that way. Trees turning into those that destroy them. I was going to add arms for the branches and to magnify the feeling of agony but having had a hard time attaching the head, I had no idea how to attach the arms. Now though, I know that I could have made some sort of armature with flexible-ish thin-ish wire and paper mache to use as a base and to fix the overall pose. The head is also totally off and I should have "worked" the clay so that it would be more malleable, there would also be less cracks.

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